Welcome to our guide on maximizing efficiency with Junk-a-Haulics. Whether you’re tackling a home renovation, clearing out clutter, or managing a construction site, Junk-a-Haulics offers top-notch services to make your cleanup process smooth and hassle-free. In this article, we’ll explore why choosing Junk-a-Haulics is a smart move, their eco-friendly practices, how their services work, and […]
Hunter PR Blog
Every move has the potential to be overwhelming, but there are few moving scenarios more stressful than finding yourself in charge of moving offices to a new location. There are so many different elements moving simultaneously that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. From managing employees and packing to finding a new location and the best […]
Have you ever thought of risks of E-Waste? Well, most people never really think about it, that’s why “e-scrap”, or “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” is an emerging problem! What is E-Waste E-Waste is a loose description of electrical and electronic devices or components which are dumped, rather than recycled. Electronics are the fastest growing […]
In recent years people on earth have become more concerned about the well being of the planet and have looked for ways to preserve its life so that humans can continue to live and strive. The Junk-A-Haulics team recognizes these concerns and we practice recycling habits on a regular, daily, basis. One of the most […]
The team at Junk-A-Haulics is experiencing spring fever and would like to wish everyone a fun and save president days weekend! Now we know it’s not spring time yet but due to the fantastic weather this weekend the Junk-A-Haulics team would like to celebrate. In order to celebrate the great weather and the hope that […]
How many times have you called up your “local” waste service providers and found them to feel less “local” and more “corporate?” It’s tough these days finding a good, reliable, local waste service company. With the Junk-A-Haulics, you can trust you will speak with a live person who knows the area and wants to help […]
We’ve all been there once if not multiple times. You decided that this weekend is the weekend you will be cleaning out the garage. It has been slowly accumulating what seems to be a planet’s worth of junk over the years. No matter, though. It’s definitely an “over the weekend” job. So, you go to […]
We love sharing some of our more ‘colorful’ stories with you. This Spring we were asked to clean out and completely gut all 25 rooms in the the Skytop Motel in Dover NJ. Here’s a before picture to give you an idea of what we faced. Never ones to be daunted, we knew we needed […]