In recent years people on earth have become more concerned about the well being of the planet and have looked for ways to preserve its life so that humans can continue to live and strive. The Junk-A-Haulics team recognizes these concerns and we practice recycling habits on a regular, daily, basis. One of the most […]
Hunter PR Blog
The Holiday May Be Over For You But Not For Us!
Why We Love the Morris Habitat Restore—and Why You’ll Love it Too
We donate items to several wonderful nonprofits when we pick up your junk, making sure to take items in good condition to places that can put them to good use. One of our very favorites is the Morris Habitat ReStore in Randolph. You most likely know about Habitat for Humanity—the wonderful nonprofit that brings people together to build homes, communities […]
So Where Does All The Junk Go?!
Ever wonder where all the junk goes? First off, as Junk-A-Haulics, we love our junk and hate to see it go. Our first priority is always finding a new home for the good condition items by dropping them off at such places as the Market Street Mission in Morristown, New Jersey or other places in […]