Welcome to our guide on maximizing efficiency with Junk-a-Haulics. Whether you’re tackling a home renovation, clearing out clutter, or managing a construction site, Junk-a-Haulics offers top-notch services to make your cleanup process smooth and hassle-free. In this article, we’ll explore why choosing Junk-a-Haulics is a smart move, their eco-friendly practices, how their services work, and […]
Hunter PR Blog
If you live in New Jersey and have a thought bubble hovering over your head wondering ‘where can I donate furniture‘ the Junk-A-Haulics are here to help! We have a number of area charity partners that we work with from Morristown to Randolph to Paramus and beyond. Need a tax write-off? Not to worry, we […]
Can You Spot What’s Wrong With This Picture? ANSWER: It’s missing the men in blue! The Junk-A-Haulics! No blue truck in the picture, no handsome guys neatly dressed with professional attitudes handling the situation so no one gets hurt and no laws get violated. True Story… But What Happens Next? Throwing Furniture Out a Window […]
In recent years people on earth have become more concerned about the well being of the planet and have looked for ways to preserve its life so that humans can continue to live and strive. The Junk-A-Haulics team recognizes these concerns and we practice recycling habits on a regular, daily, basis. One of the most […]
The team at Junk-A-Haulics is experiencing spring fever and would like to wish everyone a fun and save president days weekend! Now we know it’s not spring time yet but due to the fantastic weather this weekend the Junk-A-Haulics team would like to celebrate. In order to celebrate the great weather and the hope that […]
Well, it finally happened! We go the first snow of the year! Luckily, it wasn’t too much, but just enough to give the trees a nice dusting. Unfortunately, it looks like we’re in store for something significantly larger this weekend! Hopefully for us, things will keep being busy till spring. Generally, though, around this time […]
How many times have you called up your “local” waste service providers and found them to feel less “local” and more “corporate?” It’s tough these days finding a good, reliable, local waste service company. With the Junk-A-Haulics, you can trust you will speak with a live person who knows the area and wants to help […]
We’ve all been there once if not multiple times. You decided that this weekend is the weekend you will be cleaning out the garage. It has been slowly accumulating what seems to be a planet’s worth of junk over the years. No matter, though. It’s definitely an “over the weekend” job. So, you go to […]
You know, through the years, we have come a long way. We started out with a $600 “rolling deathtrap” of a van. It was rusty, dirty, and had a steering dead zone the size of Texas! Those days were pretty rough and we certainly couldn’t afford to put together a professional photo shoot. At […]
Can Memorial Day Weekend really be right around the corner? Wow-time has a funny way of flying by! Are you prepared for all the upcoming company bound to come your way? You know friends and family are going to be coming out of the woodwork. And not just this weekend, of course, but from now […]
We all know that moving is a stressful life experience for anyone, but it’s especially hard to help your parents move out of a home they have lived in for most of their lifetime. Whether they’re downsizing, moving into another home or apartment, or into a senior or assisted-living type of situation, there are many […]
Ever wonder what homeowners want to discard of the most? Whether people are moving or simply decluttering, Junk-A-Haulics gets the greatest number of calls for these 5 items: Refrigerators –– We’re happy to hear you upgraded to a new refrigerator because a newer models consume an average of 1,000 fewer kilowats a year compared to a refrigerator manufactured […]